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Data sync between two SQL servers

I have same database schema on two different SQL servers 2008. I have one server installed locally and other is company,s live server. I have an application installed on local machine, My problem is that whenever I run my application data on both SQL servers (local and live) should sync to keep same database on both servers. My database contains 5 tables.


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Khizar Avatar asked Aug 11 '11 06:08


1 Answers

There are a couple of ways to do this and the best choice will depend on

  1. Whether or not both SQL Servers are available all the time
  2. Whether 1 is master and one is just a copy
  3. Other things I can't think of at the moment as your question is a little vague

However, things to look at include

  1. SQL Server Replication - See Here
  2. Microsoft Sync Framework - See Here
  3. Log Shipping - See Here

Hopefully, that will give you some place to start looking.

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David Steele Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

David Steele