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Data grouping into weekly,monthly by user



I have a highstock line chart displaying daily and weekly stock prices for a given stock. Problem is when the data array is large enough the daily data points get "sampled" into weekly data points and weekly data points get sampled down to monthly data points.

Is there any way to set them by user to weekly,or monthly when needed.

Thanks in advance

like image 345
user1160281 Avatar asked Mar 24 '12 07:03


1 Answers

Check about dataGrouping.
You can set it to get sampled when needed like the example.
Or if you want to disable you can set it to false, like the code bellow or here:

series: [{
    type: 'candlestick',
    name: 'AAPL',
    data: arrayOfData,
    dataGrouping: {
        enabled: false
like image 166
Ricardo Alvaro Lohmann Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Ricardo Alvaro Lohmann