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Data binding between two Polymer elements using polymer 1.0


In the below example, how do I bind the obj.name variable of the <input> field in <test-element2> to <test-element> ?


Below is my code. I have two polymer elements. test-element has the data binded to obj.name. test-element2 has an input field which is observed by the function objChanged. Whatever value I change in the input field it changes and prints in test-element2 but the change isn't reflected in test-element. Can any body help get the value reflected to test-element1? I have a solution using this.fire("object-change") for when the text changes but I am looking for a solution without using event listeners.

One more thing is that I need to create an element from the script and it cannot be hardcoded in the HTML DOM.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <script src="../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"/>

    <dom-module id="test-element">
            <div>Hello <span>{{obj.name}}</span></div>

            TestElement = Polymer({
                is: "test-element",

                properties: {
                    "obj": {
                        type: Object,
                        notify: true

                observers: [
                "objChanged": function() {
                    var that = this;
                    console.log("First element in 1",that.obj);

    <dom-module id="test-element2">
            <input value="{{obj.name::input}}"/>

                is: "test-element2",

                properties: {
                    "obj": {
                        type: Object,
                        notify: true,
                        value: {
                            "name": "Charlie"

                observers: [

                ready: function() {
                    var element = new TestElement();
                    element.set("obj", this.obj);

                "objChanged": function() {
                    console.log("changed in test-element2:", this.obj);

like image 473
Harsha Kakumanu Avatar asked Jul 22 '15 18:07

Harsha Kakumanu

1 Answers

If you include <test-element> in the <template> of test-element2 you can avoid using event listeners or observers. In this way test-element2 handles the data binding between the input and <test-element> for you.

Below is a live working example that maintains the obj property as you have set it up in your elements.

<script src="http://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/samples/components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="http://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/samples/components/polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="test-element">
    <div>Hello <span>[[obj.name]]</span>
    TestElement = Polymer({
      is: "test-element",

      properties: {
        "obj": {
          type: Object,
          notify: true
<dom-module id="test-element2">
    <input value="{{obj.name::input}}" />
    <test-element obj="[[obj]]"></test-element>

      is: "test-element2",

      properties: {
        "obj": {
          type: Object,
          notify: true,
          value: {
            "name": "Charlie"

Currently, imperative data-binding is not supported in Polymer 1.0 outside of <template is="dom-bind">.

  • Polymer 1.0 Node.bind() - Can I create a binding via javascript instead of double braces?
  • Binding imperatively
  • [1.0] Data-binding: Is there any way to do this imperatively?

I would recommend setting up observers like the example below or adjusting your requirements to include <test-element> in test-element2.

button {
  display: block;
<script src="http://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/samples/components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="http://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/samples/components/polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="test-element">
    <div>Hello <span>[[obj.name]]</span>
    TestElement = Polymer({
      is: "test-element",

      properties: {
        obj: {
          type: Object,
          notify: true
<dom-module id="test-element2">
    <input value="{{obj.name::input}}" />

      is: "test-element2",

      properties: {
        obj: {
          type: Object,
          notify: true,
          value: {
            "name": "Charlie"
      observers: ["objNameChanged(obj.name)"],
      objNameChanged: function(newValue) {
        Polymer.dom(document).querySelectorAll("test-element").forEach(function(element) {
          element.notifyPath("obj.name", newValue);

        Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll("test-element").forEach(function(element) {
          element.notifyPath("obj.name", newValue);
<button>Add test-element to <em>test-element2</em>
<button>Add test-element to <em>body</em>
  var testElement2 = document.querySelector("test-element2");

  var createTestElement = function(insertPoint) {
    var testElement = new TestElement();
    testElement.notifyPath("obj.name", testElement2.obj.name);


  document.querySelector("button:nth-of-type(2)").addEventListener("click", function() {

  document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
like image 59
coderfin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
