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Dashboard of Crashlytics doesn't open

I went step by step through Fabric's tutorial and included Crashlytics in my project. When i try to enter the Fabric dashboard, the dashboard doesn't open and I'm always redirected to the tutorial again.

When I completed all the steps to set up Fabric and then I clicked on the dashboard, I'm redirected to this page again

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user7365487 Avatar asked Jan 02 '17 13:01


People also ask

How do I enable Crashlytics in flutter?

Steps for Integrating Crashlytics on Firebase Console Step – 1 -> Go to the 'Release & Monitor' Section in the side panel and click on 'Crashlytics'. You will see the Crashlytics Dashboard as shown. Step – 2 -> After adding the applications, we will have to enable the Crashlytics from the 'Enable Crashlytics' button.

2 Answers

Please check that this line Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics()); is at the onCreate of your launcher activity of your app.

For me that was the problem because it was at the onCreate of the SplashActivity when i installed Fabric.

After i repositioned this initialization line everything was working correctly and i had access to the dashboard.

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dimivrn Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 14:11


Looks like you have to run the app once before you could go to dashboard.

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Amit Garg Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 12:11

Amit Garg