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Dart/Flutter check if value is an integer/whole number

How do I check if a value is a whole number (integer) or contains a decimal? In Javascript we have isInteger but I couldn't find the equivalent in Dart.

We seem to have checks for isEven, isOdd, isFinite, isInfinite, isNaN and isNegative but no isInteger?

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Hasen Avatar asked Sep 19 '19 12:09


People also ask

How do you check if a value is an integer in flutter?

It is easy to check if a number is an int , just do value is int . The slightly harder task is to check whether a double value has an integer value, or no fractional part. There is no simple function answering that, but you can do value == value. roundToDouble() .

How do you check numeric values in flutter?

To check whether a string is a numeric string, you can use the double. tryParse() method. If the return equals null then the input is not a numeric string, otherwise, it is.

How do you check if a float is a whole number?

To check if a float value is a whole number with Python, we can use the is_integer method. to check if 1.0 is an integer by calling is_integer on it. It'll return True if it is and False otherwise.

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3 Answers

Dart numbers (the type num) are either integers (type int) or doubles (type double).

It is easy to check if a number is an int, just do value is int.

The slightly harder task is to check whether a double value has an integer value, or no fractional part. There is no simple function answering that, but you can do value == value.roundToDouble(). This removes any fractional part from the double value and compares it to the original value. If they are the same, then there was no fractional part.

So, a helper function could be:

bool isInteger(num value) => 
    value is int || value == value.roundToDouble();

I use roundToDouble() instead of just round() because the latter would also convert the value to an integer, which may give a different value for large double values.

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lrn Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10


Use the modulo operator %:

  bool isInteger(num value) => (value % 1) == 0;

Same as an extension method:

  extension NumExtensions on num {
    bool get isInt => (this % 1) == 0;


  double d = 2.6;
  double d2 = 2.0;
  int i = 2;
  print(d.isInt); // returns false
  print(d2.isInt); // returns true
  print(i.isInt); // returns true
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kine Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10


void main() {
  int a = 10;
  print(a is int); // Prints true


void main() {
  dynamic a = 10;
  print(a is int ? a/10 :"Not an int"); // Prints 1
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Sharad Paghadal Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10

Sharad Paghadal