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Dart yield stream events from another stream listener

I have a function that generates stream of specific events. Now I have a stream coming from storage service which has its own events. Looking for a way to yield my events when something changes in the storage stream.

This code snippet doesn't do the trick.

Stream<BlocState> mapEventToState(
    BlocEvent event,
  ) async* {
  if (event is UploadData) {
    yield UploadDataProgress(progress: 0.0);
    final Storage storage = Storage();
    final Stream<StorageEvent> upload = storage.upload(event.data);

    upload.listen((StorageEvent storageEvent) async* {
      print('***** Listener: ${storageEvent.type} - ${storageEvent.progress}');

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.error) {
        yield UploadDataError(errorMessage: storageEvent.error);

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.success) {
        yield UploadDataSuccess();

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.progress) {
        yield UploadDataProgress(progress: storageEvent.progress);

Output: The debug print works but the events are not sent to listeners.

***** Listener: StorageEventType.progress - 0.01924033836457124
***** Listener: StorageEventType.progress - 0.044581091468101464
***** Listener: StorageEventType.progress - 0.6986233206170177
***** Listener: StorageEventType.progress - 1.0
like image 935
nilobarp Avatar asked May 08 '19 08:05


2 Answers

Your yields are yielding from the anonymous function (StorageEvent storageEvent) async* { rather than from mapEventToState.

Simply replacing the listen() with an await for should work.

Stream<BlocState> mapEventToState(
    BlocEvent event,
  ) async* {
  if (event is UploadData) {
    yield UploadDataProgress(progress: 0.0);
    final Storage storage = Storage();
    final Stream<StorageEvent> upload = storage.upload(event.data);

    await for (StorageEvent storageEvent in upload) {
      print('***** Listener: ${storageEvent.type} - ${storageEvent.progress}');

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.error) {
        yield UploadDataError(errorMessage: storageEvent.error);

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.success) {
        yield UploadDataSuccess();

      if (storageEvent.type == StorageEventType.progress) {
        yield UploadDataProgress(progress: storageEvent.progress);
like image 74
Gazihan Alankus Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Gazihan Alankus

For what it's worth. I had a similar problem, where I was subscribing to Firebase snapshots and trying to yield events based on the document data.

If I used the await-for paradigm, there was no subscription handle I would get. As a result, it became painful to stop reading the stream when I wanted to close the BLoC.

I found a round-about solution to this.

Stream<BlocState> mapEventToState(BlocEvent event) async* {
  if (event is FetchEvent) {
    yield LoadingState();
    _subscription = SomeStream(event.someKey).listen((snapshot) {

  if (event is OnSnapshotEvent) {
    if (SomeCondition(event.snapshot)) {
      yield SomeResultState();
    } else {
      yield SomeOtherState();

This way, I have a handle to the subscription, so I can always nicely cleanup.

like image 28
Mere Vicharr Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Mere Vicharr