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Dart in a stand-alone app that does NOT require Chrome to be installed



electron, node-webkit, brackets-shell and atom-shell are frameworks that allow a user to create stand alone executables that use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Node) for all code in the app. They don't require any prior installation of any software, as I understand it. I want to use Dart instead of JavaScript. I don't want a chrome app because that requires the installation of Chrome, if I understand correctly. Is it possible to make a stand-alone application using Dart? Will DartToJs be able to do this for me?

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Phlox Midas Avatar asked May 13 '14 09:05

Phlox Midas

1 Answers

You need to have a Dart-VM (Dart-Runtime) installed in order to be able to execute Dart applications on the command line/server.

As far as I know there is no way to create a standalone executable, at least no easy one.

It is technically possible to create an executable that contains the Dart-VM but there are no tools available yet that generate that for you. I don't think the path using Dart2JS will help much. Dart2JS aims primarily at browsers but I have heard that some try to use Dart2JS to run Dart code with Node.js but I don't know if that really works.

This similar question contains some links that may be of interest to you: Embedding Dart into application

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Günter Zöchbauer