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Dapper AddDynamicParams for IN statement with "dynamic" parameter name





I have simple SQL string like this:

"SELECT * FROM Office WHERE OfficeId IN @Ids" 

The thing is that the @Ids name is entered in an editor so it could be whatever, and my problem is that if I want to pass in, say an array of integers, it only works with Dapper if I use:

var values = new DynamicParameters(); values.AddDynamicParams(new { Ids = new[] { 100, 101 } }); 

But this requires me to KNOW that the parameter name is Ids and that's not the case in my scenario.

I can set a "dynamic parameter" in Dapper with a "dynamic" name like this:

var values = new DynamicParameters(); values.Add("Ids", new[] { 100, 101 }); 

But then Dapper doesn't construct the IN (....) SQL with separate parameters for each value.

Is there a way to construct the dynamic object passed in to AddDynamicParams but setting the member name and value without knowing the name beforehand?

I could modify the Dapper source to work for my scenario, but if anyone know of a simpler and elegant solution to this I would be greatful!

like image 541
Jens Pettersson Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 09:10

Jens Pettersson

1 Answers

I have just submitted a fix to the repository that allows any of the following to work correctly:

by object (this worked previously):

values.AddDynamicParams(new { ids = list }); 

or, by single name:

values.Add("ids", list); 

or, as a dictionary:

var args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); args.Add("ids", list); values.AddDynamicParams(args); 

I have not yet deployed to NuGet. Let me know if this is a problem.

like image 130
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Marc Gravell