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Dagger v2: Inject 2 different scopes into one object

I have moduleA setup as an application wide singleton provider, ModuleB as a user related object provider

My user display fragment will use system wide bus to send message to others and use user related object to display.

Problem cannot inject different scrope class into one object. Use component.getX method works fine, but inject is prefered way. Error message: @UserScope may not reference bindings with difference scopes: @Provides @Singleton Bus ModuleA.provideBus()

public class ModuleA {
  @Provides @Singleton Bus provideBus() {...}

Module B as user related Info provider

public class ModuleB{
  private final User user;
  public ModuleB(User user) {...}
  @Provides @UserScope User provideUser() {}
  @Provides @UserScope UserManager provideUserManager() {}

Components setup like following:

@Component (modules={ModuleA.class})
public interface ComponentA {
  Bus getBus();
  void inject(ClassA target);

public interface ComponentB {
  User getUser();
  UserManager getUserManager();
  void inject(ClassA target);

class UserFragment exrtends Fragment {
   @Inject Bus bus;
   @Inject UserManager userManager;
   public void onCreate() {
like image 843
Xiaofeng Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 16:03


People also ask

What does @inject do Dagger?

Defining dependencies (object consumers) You use the @Inject annotation to define a dependency. If you annotate a constructor with @Inject , Dagger 2 can also use an instance of this object to fulfill dependencies. This was done to avoid the definition of lots of @Provides methods for these objects.

Can we create custom scope in Dagger 2?

create custom scopes with Dagger is pretty easy, you just have to follow these steps. Step 1) declare your annotation. Step 2) annotate the dependencies with this annotation in the module.

What is @module annotation in Dagger?

A Dagger module is a class that is annotated with @Module . There, you can define dependencies with the @Provides annotation. Kotlin Java. // @Module informs Dagger that this class is a Dagger Module.

What is constructor injection in Dagger?

inject. Inject annotation to identify which constructors and fields it is interested in. Use @Inject to annotate the constructor that Dagger should use to create instances of a class. When a new instance is requested, Dagger will obtain the required parameters values and invoke this constructor.

1 Answers

Try this configuration, it works for me. There is really a lack of good documentation about Dagger2 so I studied a few open-source examples of code that you can find in GitHub etc by keyword like Dagger2.

Application level Component

@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
public interface AppComponent {
    // exported for child-components
    Bus eventBus();

Application level Module

public class AppModule {
    @Provides @Singleton
    Bus provideBus() {
        return BusProvider.getInstance();

Activity level Component

@Component(dependencies=AppComponent.class, modules=MainActivityModule.class)
public interface MainActivityComponent {
    void inject( MainActivity mainActivity );

Activity level Module

public class MainActivityModule {
    private final MainActivity mActivity;

    public MainActivityModule( MainActivity activity ) {
        mActivity = activity;

    MainActivityTitleController provideTitleController() {
        return new MainActivityTitleController( mActivity );

Android Application class

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    private AppComponent mAppComponent;

    public void onCreate() {
        // Dagger2
        mAppComponent = Dagger_AppComponent.builder()
            .appModule( new AppModule( this ))

    public AppComponent getComponent() {
        return mAppComponent;

    public static AppComponent getComponent( Context context ) {
        return ((MyApplication)context.getApplicationContext()).getComponent();

And finally Activity

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    // Injectable fields
    @Inject Bus mEventBus;
    @Inject MainActivityTitleController mTitleController;

    private MainActivityComponent mComponent;

    protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
        // Dagger2
        mComponent = Dagger_MainActivityComponent.builder()
            .appComponent( ((MyApplication)getApplication()).getComponent() )
            .mainActivityModule( new MainActivityModule( this ) )
        mComponent.inject( this );
like image 147
Vlad Kuts Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Vlad Kuts