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Dagger Hilt not injecting on tests

I'm trying to run a test using Dagger Hilt with Robolectric:

@UninstallModules(LevelModule::class, AppModule::class)
@Config(sdk = [16, 28], application = HiltTestApplication::class)
class LevelFragmentTest {

    var rule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    fun testShowGameOverWhenTapAMine() {
        launchActivity<GameActivity>().onActivity { activity ->

The test fails on GameActivity.onCreate because all fields of GameActivity with @Inject are null.

GameActivity is:

class GameActivity : AppCompatActivity()

The modules are:

open class LevelModule { ... } 
class TestLevelModule {
class AppModule() { ... } 
class TestAppModule() { ... } 

It works when I run the app, but when I run the test, GameActivity is not being injected. All field with @Inject are null.

Does anyone have any idea of what it's wrong?

If useful, the whole code and test are here:

  • https://github.com/lucasnlm/antimine-android/pull/95

  • https://github.com/lucasnlm/antimine-android/pull/95/commits/fcc1b3782b8d456898529dd3ba2410ac5f2da6d5


I have no ideia why, but the tests passed on this PR:

  • https://github.com/lucasnlm/antimine-android/pull/100
like image 961
Lucas Lima Avatar asked Jun 15 '20 16:06

Lucas Lima

Video Answer

1 Answers

according to the testing guide,

you must replace the binding. Create a new module within the test class that defines the test binding:

class SettingsActivityTest {

  abstract class TestModule {

    abstract fun bindAnalyticsService(
      analyticsServiceImpl: AnalyticsServiceImpl
    ): AnalyticsService

like image 96
Hiroyuki Tamura Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10

Hiroyuki Tamura