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Dagger 2.0 Constructor injection and Singleton

is it possible to use Dagger 2.0 Constructor injection and singleton at one time. I don't find the answer in the documentation.


public class MyClass {
   private final OtherClass member;

   public MyClass(OtherClass member){
        this.member = member;

Constructor injection does work for sure. But is it guaranteed that MyClass is created as a singleton if I write @Singleton on the class?

Thank you

like image 922
Soccertrash Avatar asked May 20 '15 17:05


1 Answers


Since Dagger 2 generates the source code for you, it is easy to inspect what is happening. For example, when using the following module in combination with your MyClass:

public interface MyComponent {
  MyClass myClass();

The following implementation is generated:

public final class DaggerMyComponent implements MyComponent {
  private Provider<MyClass> myClassProvider;

  private DaggerMyComponent(Builder builder) {  
    assert builder != null;

  public static Builder builder() {  
    return new Builder();

  public static MyComponent create() {  
    return builder().build();

  private void initialize(final Builder builder) {  
    this.myClassProvider = ScopedProvider.create(MyClass_Factory.create(OtherClass_Factory.create()));

  public MyClass myClass() {  
    return myClassProvider.get();

  public static final class Builder {
    private Builder() {  

    public MyComponent build() {  
      return new DaggerMyComponent(this);

In initialize(Builder), you can see that a ScopedProvider is used as a Provider for MyClass. When calling the myClass() method, the ScopedProvider's get() method is called, which is implemented as a singleton:

public T get() {
  // double-check idiom from EJ2: Item 71
  Object result = instance;
  if (result == UNINITIALIZED) {
    synchronized (this) {
      result = instance;
      if (result == UNINITIALIZED) {
        instance = result = factory.get();
  return (T) result;
like image 116
nhaarman Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 02:10
