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D3v4 time scale axis error in ticks display

I'm actually experimenting D3 v4 and i face a problem in ticks display on time axe.

Here is the difference between v3 and v4 display

The v3 code i try to transpose is the following

var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom").ticks(6);
x.domain(d3.extent(data.map(function(d) { return d.date; })));


And the v4 code i made is this

import {scaleTime, scaleLinear} from 'd3-scale';
import {axisBottom, axisLeft} from 'd3-axis';
import {select} from 'd3-selection';
import {extent} from 'd3-array';

let x = scaleTime().range([0, width])
    .domain(extent(data.map(function(d) { return d.date; })));

let xAxis = axisBottom().scale(x).ticks(6);


Does someone have an idea of my mistake? I guess a wrong usage of the v4 API but got difficulties finding documentation on this alpha version.


like image 953
onicollet Avatar asked May 03 '16 08:05


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The d3.axis.ticks () Function in D3.js is used to control which ticks are displayed by the axis. This function returns the axis generator Parameters: This function accepts the following parameters. count/interval: This parameter is used to display the number of ticks.

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The format of the values (especially on the x axis) is too wide and this type of overlap was bound to happen eventually. Good news. D3 has got us covered. The axis component includes a function to specify the number of ticks on an axis. All we need to do is add in the function and the number of ticks like so;

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The d3.axis.ticks () Function in D3.js is used to control which ticks are displayed by the axis. This function returns the axis generator

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D3’s time scale is implemented as an extension of d3.scale.linear () that represents a domain as JavaScript Date objects. Unlike linear scale values, time scale domain values are stored as dates rather than numbers.

1 Answers

The key is this line:

let xAxis = axisBottom().scale(x).ticks(6);

Try changing like so:

let xAxis = axisBottom(x).ticks(6);

For a full working example see - jsFiddle


Improved the above js fiddle to include formatting.

Snippet from jsFiddle below:

let x = d3
  .range([0, totalWidth])

let xAxis = d3
  .ticks(d3.timeDay, 1)
  .tickFormat(d3.timeFormat("%a %d"));
like image 98
Ashley Coolman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Ashley Coolman