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d3.js transition end event

I am applying a transition to a group of nodes returned by selectAll(). I thought the end event would fire after all transitions finished, but each("end",function) gets called at the end of each transition.

So is there any way to set a callback that will be called after transitions on all selected node finishes ?

Should I use call for this? but I don't see it used as end callback anywhere in documentation.

also I can run a counter inside each callback. but is there any way to know how many nodes are still pending to finish transition ? or index of current node in group of selected nodes ?

I've two select() calls in chain like selectAll('.partition').selectAll('.subpartition') so index argument passed to each callback will rotated n times.

like image 693
Dipro Sen Avatar asked Dec 24 '12 18:12

Dipro Sen

1 Answers

As far as I know there is not a built in way to know when the last transition of a group has finished but there are ways around it. One way that I have used several times involves maintaining a count of transitions that have finished.

var n = 0;

   .each(function() { // I believe you could do this with .on('start', cb) but I haven't tested it
   .on('end', function() { // use to be .each('end', function(){})
       if (!n) {

function endall() {
    // your end function here

Here are the links to the relevant documentation:

  • https://github.com/d3/d3-transition#control-flow
  • https://github.com/d3/d3-transition#the-life-of-a-transition
like image 181
payne8 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
