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d3 - trigger mouseover event

I have a map of the US states and counties in a SVG graphic rendered by D3. Each path have mouseover, mouseout and click events bound to it, as well as the FIPS county code set as the path ID.

I have a jQuery Autocomplete input where the user can input the name of a state or county. Given that input, which makes the corresponding FIPS ID available, how can I trigger the mouseover event programatically?

like image 745
Jason Avatar asked Sep 24 '13 20:09


3 Answers

I figured out the answer. The main problem is D3 does not have an explicit trigger function as jQuery does. However, you can simulate it.

Say you have a D3 path built via

d3.json("us-counties.json", function(json){

    .attr("d", thisObj._path)
    .attr("class", "states")
    .attr("id", function(d){
      return d.id; //<-- Sets the ID of this county to the path
    .style("fill", "gray")
    .style("stroke", "black")
    .style("stroke-width", "0.5px")
    .on("dblclick", mapZoom)
    .on("mouseover", mapMouseOver)
    .on("mouseout", mapMouseOut);

and a mouseover event handler that changes the fill and stroke colors

var mapMouseOver(d){

  d3.selectAll($("#" + d.id))
    .style("fill", "red")
    .style("stroke", "blue");


Typically, most tutorials say to use


but actually using the value works as well. If you have an event handler that gets you the ID of the node, and trigger it via


function someEventHandler(){

  //get node ID value, sample
  var key = $(this)

  //trigger mouseover event handler
  mapMouseOver({id : key});


will execute the mouseover event based on a dropdown selection

like image 96
Jason Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11


You can achieve this by directly dispatching the event on the desired element:

var event = document.createEvent('SVGEvents');

See more detail in this blog post

like image 22
Steve Greatrex Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11

Steve Greatrex

Structure your javascript such that the the mouseover event calls a javascript function and then you can call that same function any time you want.

like image 28
Robert Longson Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Robert Longson