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Cypress how to temporarily escape from a cy.within()

I am working to write auto tester code on cypress. As web app is vue.js project, page consists of component in src. So in cypress, I decide to scope all subsequent commands to within component root instead of document root(html). So that cy.get or cy.find will query within component root dom.

But I often need to query some elements outside current scoped component. for example: when I have custom select that renders dropdown outside component, in cypress, inside cy.within there is no way to select dropdown option because it is rendered outside component root.

So I tried to escape scope temporarily to select dropdown and then come back into scope again for next commands.

cy.get(".account-mortgage-component form").within(() => {
  cy.get("input[name='postcode']").type("ng2 6dg").blur();
  // click input.select-address to open dropdown
  // then dropdown is rendered outside .account-mortgage-component. so next command can not work
  cy.get(".select-address-dropdown").contains("3 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford").click();
  // I hope to escape current scope, so make above code to work. after this I should come back to scope again for next commands.
<div class="account-mortgage-component">
    <input name="postcode" />
    <div class="custom-select">
      <input class="select-address" />

<div class="select-address-dropdown">
    <li>3 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li>
    <li>5 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li>
    <li>6 Carnarvon Road, West Bridgford</li>

As my web project is big scaled already, in cypress I should scope most commands using cy.within. Any solution will be help.

like image 336
Zang wei Avatar asked Jan 27 '21 23:01

Zang wei

People also ask

How do you find the element within an element in Cypress?

Using the Cypress command – cy. get(), you can directly get the element by passing the tag name.

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end() is useful when you want to end a chain of commands and force the next command to not receive what was yielded in the previous command. Alternatively, you can always start a new chain of commands off of cy .

2 Answers

cy.document().its('body') will give you a subject that is outside the .within(), and it seems to go back to inner scope after (still within callback).

cy.get('body').find('div.without');  // checking this query first (outer scope)

cy.get('div.myform').within(() => {

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope

  cy.document().its('body').find('div.without');   // outer scope

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope

Tested with this html

  <div class="myform">
    <div>text within</div>
  <div class="without">text without</div>

Nested withins

You can nest .within() statements using the same breakout pattern,

  .within(() => {
    cy.contains('text within scope1');            // testing in scope1
      .within(() => {
        cy.contains('text within scope2');        // switch to scope2
    cy.contains('text within scope1');            // back to scope1

Tested with this html

  <div class="scope1">
    <div>text within scope1</div>
  <div class="scope2">
    <div>text within scope2</div>
like image 121
Richard Matsen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Richard Matsen

cy.get('body').find('div.without');  // checking this query first (outer scope)

cy.get('div.myform').within(() => {

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope
  // This is very important.
  cy.wrap(Cypress.$('html')).find('div.without');   // outer scope

  cy.contains('text within');                      // inner scope
  <div class="myform">
    <div>text within</div>
  <div class="without">text without</div>
like image 34
webstar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
