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Cypress e2e testing - How to get around Cross Origin Errors?

I'm testing a web app that integrates Gmail, Slack, Dropbox etc. I'm trying to write end to end tests with Cypress.io to verify that auth flows are working. Cypress restricts me from navigating outside my app's domain and gives me a Cross Origin Error. The Cypress docs say that testing shouldn't involve navigating outside your app. But the entire purpose of testing my app is to make sure these outside auth flows are functioning.

The docs also say you can add "chromeWebSecurity": false to the cypress.json file to get around this restriction. I have done this, but am still getting cross origin errors (this is at the heart of my question. I would ideally get around this restriction).

I have attempted cypress' single-sign-on example. https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-example-recipes#logging-in---single-sign-on I was not able to make it work, and it's a lot more code than I think is necessary.

I've commented on this thread in github, but no responses yet.

Full error message:

Error:     CypressError: Cypress detected a cross origin error happened 
on page load:

  > Blocked a frame with origin "https://www.example.com" from 
    a cross-origin frame.

    Before the page load, you were bound to the origin policy:
      > https://example.com

A cross origin error happens when your application navigates to a new 
superdomain which does not match the origin policy above.

This typically happens in one of three ways:

1. You clicked an <a> that routed you outside of your application
2. You submitted a form and your server redirected you outside of your 
3. You used a javascript redirect to a page outside of your application

Cypress does not allow you to change superdomains within a single test.

You may need to restructure some of your test code to avoid this 

Alternatively you can also disable Chrome Web Security which will turn 
off this restriction by setting { chromeWebSecurity: false } in your 
'cypress.json' file.

like image 891
Bill Mayo Avatar asked May 23 '18 19:05

Bill Mayo

People also ask

How do you handle Cors error in Cypress?

json set chromeWebSecurity to false . As from cypress documentation here, setting chromeWebSecurity to false allows you to do the following: Display insecure content. Navigate to any superdomain without cross origin errors.

Does Cypress Support cross origin?

With the experimental cy. origin() command, new in Cypress 9.6. 0, you can easily switch between origins to seamlessly test syndicated authentication, cross-site CMS workflows and much more.

How does Cypress handle the same origin policy?

After the first cy. visit() command is issued in a test, Cypress changes its URL to match the origin of your remote application, thereby solving the first major hurdle of same-origin policy. Your application's code executes the same as it does outside of Cypress, and everything works as expected.

How do I stop error checking in Cypress?

If you'd like to force Cypress to interact with the element there are a few options: Pass {force: true} . This disables all error checking.

2 Answers

If you are trying to assert the proper navigation to gmail...

You should stub the function that handles that and assert that the request contains the necessary key value pairs. Without more information on the intent of this test it is hard to give specific advice. It sounds like you would want to have a "spy"(type of test double).

Here is the documentation for spies: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/guides/stubs-spies-and-clocks.html#Stubs

If you are trying to verify the contents of the email

You will want to use a library to handle reading gmail. cy.task can be used to invoke JavaScript from an external library. This Medium article has a good write up on how to do this.

Medium article: https://medium.com/@levz0r/how-to-poll-a-gmail-inbox-in-cypress-io-a4286cfdb888

TL;DR of article

  • Setup and define the custom task(method) that will check gmail(uses "gmail-tester" in the example)
  • Use cypress to trigger the email(obviously)
  • Capture/define data(like email subject, dynamic link, email content)
  • Assert the data returned from gmail-tester is as expected


Use the GMail UI in your test in an effort to avoid test flake (all UI testing has flakiness), and potential UI changes to the Gmail app that require updates to your test. The backend methods that gmail-tester uses are less likely to change overtime compared to the UI. You also avoid the CORS error.

Disabling cross-origin security, if you must...(eek bugs!)

If you must, add chromeWebSecurity: false to the cypress.json config file. Be sure to add it inside of the curly braces. There should only be one set of braces in that file.

NOTE: One cannot simply use cy.visit(<diffSuperDomain>); there is an open issue. Apparently this is a very difficult change to make in cypress.

One potential workaround is to only have one super domain per test. It should work if you set the chromeWebSecurity: to false and only have one domain per test(it block). Careful, as it opens you up to cascading failures as one test will rely on the next. Hopefully they fix this soon.


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NANfan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09


setting { chromeWebSecurity: false } in my 'cypress.json' file worked for me

like image 37
Omolade Ekpeni Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Omolade Ekpeni