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cx_Oracle: Error 933. ORA-00933: “SQL command not properly ended”: SQL command error?

Similar questions have been asked before but I've still been unable to identify a solution for this. My code:

        connection = cx_Oracle.connect(ORACLE_CONNECT)
        logger.info("Connection to Oracle success.")
        print ("Oracle DB version: " + connection.version)
        print ("Oracle client encoding: " + connection.encoding)
        print ("Python version: " + platform.python_version())
    except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e:
        error, = e.args
        if error.code == 1017:
            print ("Username/password invalid.")
            logger.debug("Username/password invalid: %s", error.code)
            logger.debug("Database connection error: %s", e)
            print ("Database connection error: %s".format(e))

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    smsreport_text_new = tuple(smsreport_text)
    find_command = self.identify_unique_msgid(smsreport_list)

 def identify_unique_msgid(self, smsreport_list):
    msgid_i_to_be_crosschecked = smsreport_list.get('msgid_i')
    msgid_ii_to_be_crosschecked = smsreport_list.get('msgid_ii')
    find_command = 'SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE msgid_i = {0}'.format(msgid_i_to_be_crosschecked)
    print (find_command)

    return find_command

The find_command looks like this:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE msgid_i = 2R67C865FB6ZHG5A9

I've tried with and without a semi-colon at the end of the SQL query, but still fails. I know the connection works because I have another query (see below) and this writes data to the table. It's just when tried to find rows which contain certain values do I get this error message.

insert into xura_push (date_sms, result_sms, msgid, msgparts, msgid_i, msgid_ii) values (TO_DATE(:1, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), :2, :3, :4, :5, :6)

Where am I going wrong?

Cheers, pymat.

like image 737
pymat Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 12:10


1 Answers

As mentioned in the comments above, use parameters as in the following:

def identify_unique_msgid(self, smsreport_list):
    msgid_i_to_be_crosschecked = smsreport_list.get('msgid_i')
    msgid_ii_to_be_crosschecked = smsreport_list.get('msgid_ii')
    find_command = 'SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE msgid_i = :msgid'
    return find_command, dict(msgid = msgid_i_to_be_crosschecked)

cursor = connection.cursor()
smsreport_text_new = tuple(smsreport_text)
find_command, args = self.identify_unique_msgid(smsreport_list)
cursor.execute(find_command, args)
like image 178
Anthony Tuininga Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Anthony Tuininga