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Cut off text in a div if it exceeds set width?


On a website I am working on users can add a heading to a section of a page.A simple example:

M11-001 - loss of container and goods from Manchester 

With some headings the content can be quite in-depth. In reality, for the heading at least, this content isn't always needed. The first few words would suffice to differentiate between records.

I could just set overflow:hidden to the div and ruthlessly cut of anything outside of the set width.

I would prefer to add ... To the end. Like so:

M11-001 - loss of container... 

So three full-stops would be added after either X width or X characters.

Is this possible with CSS, or maybe JavaScript?

like image 745
dannymcc Avatar asked Apr 18 '11 18:04


People also ask

How do I cut out text in CSS?

text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; in CSS (or hard-code the style, but CSS is cleaner). If you want to completely cut the text off, use clip instead of ellipsis .

1 Answers

Something like this? http://www.quirksmode.org/css/textoverflow.html


The text-overflow declaration allows you to deal with clipped text: that is, text that does not fit into its box. The ellipsis value causes three periods to be appended to the text.

like image 119
NakedBrunch Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
