I am using RStudio to create a choropleth leaflet map. I have Country and Url as an attribute in the shapefile that I imported to R.
I wish to show the Country name and URL as a hyperlink within the popup of the final map.
Below is the code I have used so far:
m <- world_shapefiles %>%
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldStreetMap) %>%
labelOptions = labelOptions(style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px", textsize = "15px",
direction = "auto")),
popup = ~ paste("Country:", country, "<br/>","<b/>","URL:", url)
I want to see the text "Click here" instead of the entire url in the popup, I tried using the below code with no luck.
popup = ~ paste("Country:", counry, "<br/>","<b/>","URL:", "<b><a href=url>Click Here</a></b>")
Any ideas to achieve it?
Use the addPopups() function to add standalone popup to the map. A common use for popups is to have them appear when markers or shapes are clicked. Marker and shape functions in the Leaflet package take a popup argument, where you can pass in HTML to easily attach a simple popup.
A label will show up when you mouse over the marker, which is the default setting using the Leaflet. If you want to show the label directly, you need to add an option which will be shown later. A popup will only show up when you click the marker on the map. Popup can display multiple lines easily as shown above.
leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library that is used to create dynamic online maps. The identically named R package makes it possible to create these kinds of maps in R as well.
After reading R, leaflet package, Passing a character vector of HTML tags to popups?, here's how you would modify your existing code:
# it seems ~ doesn't work inside of the paste0() function
# which is why I accessed the variables through the $
popup = paste0( "Country:"
, world_shapefiles$country
, "<br>"
, "<a href='"
, world_shapefiles$url
, "' target='_blank'>"
, "Click Here</a>"
I use the World Borders Data Set to download shapefiles for each country in the world. I then add a Wikipedia URL for each country in the data set.
# load necessary packages
library( leaflet )
library( sf )
# download zip file
url = "http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip"
, destfile = "TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip"
# unzip
unzip( zipfile = "TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip" )
# transfrom to sf
world.borders <-
read_sf( dsn = getwd()
, layer = "TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3" )
# add the wikipedia page for each country
world.borders$wiki <-
paste0( "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/", world.borders$NAME )
# make leaflet map
my.map <-
leaflet( options = leafletOptions( minZoom = 2 ) ) %>%
setMaxBounds( lng1 = -180
, lat1 = -89.98155760646617
, lng2 = 180
, lat2 = 89.99346179538875 ) %>%
addTiles( urlTemplate = "https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}" ) %>%
addPolygons( data = world.borders
, fill = "#D24618"
, color = "#D24618"
, opacity = 0.5
, fillOpacity = 0.01
, weight = 3
, popup = paste0(
"<b>Country: </b>"
, world.borders$NAME
, "<br>"
, "<a href='"
, world.borders$wiki
, "' target='_blank'>"
, "Click Here to View Wiki</a>"
, label = ~NAME
, labelOptions = labelOptions(
style = list("font-weight" = "normal"
, padding = "3px 8px"
, textsize = "15px"
, direction = "auto" ) )
, highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
color = "#10539A"
, weight = 3
, fillColor = NA
# display map
# end of script #
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