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Customizing Amazon SNS email notifications

We are developing Custom Commenting System in which email notifications will be sent to all the subscribers to the post just like "Disqus". We found AWS provides Simple Notification System(SNS) which does a fairly good job of sending mass email notifications and manages subscribers and topics, but I did not found any article on which the format of email notifications can be changed as all the emails have Amazon Branding.

Is it possible to send through Amazon SNS?

  1. Custom Email without Amazon Branding?
  2. Custom Subscription Link?
  3. Custom Un-subscribe link?
  4. Custom From Email Address?
  5. Attaching Companies logo in the email.

Thus removing Custom Amazon SNS branding.

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vish.Net Avatar asked Dec 15 '13 04:12


People also ask

How can I change the default Amazon SNS email subject line?

Short description. There is currently no way to customize the message of an Amazon SNS email based on specific EventBridge rules using the Amazon SNS console. Use a Lambda function, instead of the Amazon SNS topic, as a target for the EventBridge rule.

Can SNS receive emails?

If you choose to receive your emails through Amazon SNS notifications, the maximum email size (including headers) is 150 KB. Larger emails will bounce. If you anticipate emails larger than this size, save the emails to an Amazon S3 bucket instead.

What is the format of structured notification messages sent by Amazon SNS?

The notification message sent by Amazon SNS for deliveries over HTTP, HTTPS, Email-JSON and SQS transport protocols will consist of a simple JSON object, which will include the following information: MessageId: A Universally Unique Identifier, unique for each notification published.

1 Answers

I don't believe any customization is possible. For custom e-mails you should use Amazon SES instead. You would however need to manage unsubscribes yourself.

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David Maust Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

David Maust