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Customize spring validation error

I want customize the spring validation error for

    @NotNull     @Length(max = 80)     private String email;  

but I'm unable to do it. What are the step to follow?

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Roberto de Santis Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 13:01

Roberto de Santis

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1 Answers

The JSR 303 default message interpolation algorithm allows you to customize messages by supplying a resource bundle named ValidationMessages. Create a ValidationMessages.properties file in the classpath containing:

javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message=CUSTOM NOT NULL MESSAGE javax.validation.constraints.Size.message=CUSTOM SIZE MESSAGE 

This changes the default message for the @Size constraint, so you should use the @Size constraint instead of the Hibernate-specific @Length constraint.

Instead of changing the default message for all constraints, you can change the message for a specific constraint instance. Set the message attribute on the constraint:

@NotNull(message = "{email.notnull}") private String email; 

And add the message to the ValidationMessages.properties file:

email.notnull=E-mail address is required 
like image 147
Chin Huang Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Chin Huang