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Customize hover text for plotly heatmap

I have a matrix (gene expression from several conditions):

mat <- matrix(rnorm(50*10),nrow=50,ncol=10,dimnames=list(paste("C",1:50,sep="."),paste("G",1:10,sep=".")))

Which I want to plot as a heatmap using plotly in R.

heatmap.plotly <- plot_ly(x=colnames(mat),y=rownames(mat),z=mat,type="heatmap",colors=colorRamp(c("darkblue","white","darkred")),colorbar=list(title="Score",len=0.4)) %>%

works fine.

However, I'd like to add text that would be seen only when hovered over.

I thought this would work:

conditions.text <- paste(paste("C",1:50,sep="."),rep(paste(LETTERS[sample(26,10,replace=T)],collapse=""),50),sep=":")
heatmap.plotly <- plot_ly(x=colnames(mat),y=rownames(mat),z=mat,type="heatmap",colors=colorRamp(c("darkblue","white","darkred")),colorbar=list(title="Score",len=0.4),hoverinfo='text',text=~conditions.text) %>%

But it doesn't. I actually don't see any text when hovering over the plot.

Note that I'm working with a matrix rather than a melted data.frame.

like image 376
dan Avatar asked Mar 10 '17 20:03


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1 Answers

You are passing an array of 50x10 into your heatmap but a list of 50 entries as hoverinfo. Both the input for the heatmap and the text must have the same dimensions.

mat <- matrix(rnorm(50*10),nrow=50,ncol=10,dimnames=list(paste("C",1:50,sep="."),paste("G",1:10,sep=".")))

conditions.text <- paste(paste("C",1:50,sep="."),rep(paste(LETTERS[sample(26,10,replace=T)],collapse=""),500),sep=":")
conditions.text <- matrix(unlist(conditions.text), ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE)

like image 188
Maximilian Peters Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Maximilian Peters