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Customize border line of bootstrap nav-tabs

How to customize the colour of the borders of nav-tabs which is by default light grey? I could change the colour content div: http://jsfiddle.net/cjz9dyen/

I tried that:

.nav-tabs > li.active > a {
    border-color: #d45500;

But it adds a border on the bottom.

like image 622
London Smith Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 11:04

London Smith

People also ask

How do I remove navigation tab border?

This property is commonly used to change the styles of the tab bar, for example, by applying the backgroundColor styles' property. To remove the border, add the tabBarOptions prop and inside it, add a style property called borderTopWidth with a value 0 .

How do I style a bootstrap tab?

You can do this by adding styles to tab-pane. Let's add a style class to div with style class “tab-content” call “my-tab.” This new style class will override the default class properties. Now you can add the following line of code to CSS.

How do I change the active tab color in bootstrap?

You can always modify your navigation list through css. Use this css code instead, in that way use you use the a tag to change the color and its background-color. It's improper to use the li tag to set the background only and a tag to set the color of the text.

1 Answers

Override the border-bottom-color too:

.nav-tabs>.active>a, .nav-tabs>.active>a:hover, .nav-tabs>.active>a:focus {
    border-color: #d45500;
    border-bottom-color: transparent;
.nav-tabs {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #d45500;


like image 71
Zim Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
