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Customize auth error from Spring Security using OAuth2

I was wondering if I could customize the following authorization error:

  "error": "unauthorized",
  "error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"

I get it when the user request does not have permissions. And I would like to customize it to be quite similar than Spring Boot error:

 "message":"Bad credentials",

Could it be possible?

Many thanks.

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pakkk Avatar asked Aug 31 '17 15:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

The accepted answer does not work for me using Oauth2. After some research, the exception translator solution worked.

Basically, you need to create a WebResponseExceptionTranslator and register it as your exception translator.

First, create a WebResponseExceptionTranslator bean:

public class Oauth2ExceptionTranslatorConfiguration {

    public WebResponseExceptionTranslator oauth2ResponseExceptionTranslator() {
        return new DefaultWebResponseExceptionTranslator() {

            public ResponseEntity<OAuth2Exception> translate(Exception e) throws Exception {

                ResponseEntity<OAuth2Exception> responseEntity = super.translate(e);
                OAuth2Exception body = responseEntity.getBody();
                HttpStatus statusCode = responseEntity.getStatusCode();

                body.addAdditionalInformation("timestamp", dateTimeFormat.format(clock.instant()))
                body.addAdditionalInformation("status", body.getHttpErrorCode().toString())
                body.addAdditionalInformation("message", body.getMessage())
                body.addAdditionalInformation("code", body.getOAuth2ErrorCode().toUpperCase())

                HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
                // do something with header or response
                return new ResponseEntity<>(body, headers, statusCode);


Now you need to change your Oauth2 configuration to register the bean WebResponseExceptionTranslator:

public class OAuth2Config extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {

    private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

    private ClientDetailsServiceBuilder builder;

    private WebResponseExceptionTranslator oauth2ResponseExceptionTranslator;

    private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;

    public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) {

    public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) {
        TokenEnhancerChain tokenEnhancerChain = new TokenEnhancerChain();

                Arrays.asList(tokenEnhancer(), accessTokenConverter()));




The final result will be:

    "error": "unauthorized",
    "error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this resource",
    "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
    "message": "Full authentication is required to access this resource",
    "status": "401",
    "timestamp": "2018-06-28T23:55:28.86Z"

You can see that I did not remove the error and error_description from the original body of OAuth2Exception. I recommend to maintain them because these two fields are following the OAuth2 specification. See the RFC and OAuth2 API definitions for more details.

You can also customize the result: override the error or error_description (just calling addAdditionalInformation), identify a specific exception with instance of to return a different json result, etc. But there are restriction too: if you want to define some field as integer, I don't think it's possible, because the addAdditionalInformation method only accepts String as type.

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Dherik Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10
