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Custom RestTemplate using requestFactory of RestTemplateBuilder in SpringBoot 2.1.x is not backward compatible with version 1.5.x

In Spring Boot 1.5.x, I was creating a custom RestTemplate like below:

  public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
    CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setConnectionManager(poolingConnectionManager).build();
    HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory =
        new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(client);
    return restTemplateBuilder.requestFactory(clientHttpRequestFactory).build();

But, after migrating to Spring Boot 2.1.x, the above code doesn't compile. Looks like requestFactory doesn't take HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory as an input parameter.

Can anyone suggest how can I make the above code work in Spring Boot 2.1.x?

like image 302
Sahil Chhabra Avatar asked Nov 28 '18 03:11

Sahil Chhabra

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2 Answers

After digging deeper into the source code of RestTemplateBuilder of Spring Boot 2.1.x, I found that they have removed the method requestFactory(ClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory). That means you can no longer inject the ClientHttpRequestFactory object into requestFactory method.

But, it accept a Supplier<ClientHttpRequestFactory> as the input now. So if you have only one restTemplate and one requestFactory, all you need to do is register a HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory bean in Spring context and pass a ClientHttpRequestFactorySupplier to requestFactory method. The supplier will automatically detect your HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory and return you the required RestTemplate.

Refer the below code for that:

  public HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory httpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory() {
    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
    CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setConnectionManager(poolingConnectionManager).build();
    HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory =
        new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(client);
    return clientHttpRequestFactory;

  public RestTemplate authRestTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
    return restTemplateBuilder.requestFactory(new ClientHttpRequestFactorySupplier()).build();

For those who are interested in all the changes made to RestTemplateBuilder in SpringBoot 2.1.x, please refer this.

like image 115
Sahil Chhabra Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Sahil Chhabra

Or even easier, just:

 restTemplatebuilder.requestFactory(() -> new 
like image 40
Dariusz Urbanek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Dariusz Urbanek