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Custom PMD rule with Gradle




I would like to use the gradle PMD plugin in an enterprise project which is built with gradle.

I have a pmd_rules.xml file which already works, but I can't add own java rules (I get a class not found exception). I followed the tutorial on it's website.

Where do I have to put my own rules so they get recognized by gradle and PMD? Has somebody already done something like that?


apply from: rootProject.file("core/modules.gradle"), to : ext

if(project.name in (modules["modules"] +modules["modules"])){
    apply plugin: 'pmd'

    pmd {
        ignoreFailures = true
        ruleSetFiles = rootProject.files("../repo/pmd_rules.xml")
        sourceSets = [sourceSets.main,sourceSets.test]
        targetJdk = org.gradle.api.plugins.quality.TargetJdk.VERSION_1_7
        ruleSets = []
        toolVersion = "5.0.5"
like image 468
Manuel Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 14:10


People also ask

What is PMD in gradle?

The PMD plugin performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using PMD and generates reports from these checks.

How do I run a PMD in intelliJ?

The user can run pmd on a single or set of files/folders and see the results in intelliJ. To run the predefined rulesets, go to Tools -> PMD -> PreDefined menu. PMD supports custom ruleset file, to configure goto settings -> PMD and add the rule set files that are required.

1 Answers

tasks.withType(Pmd) {
    pmdClasspath += file("path/to/rules.jar")
like image 133
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Peter Niederwieser