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Custom IPrincipal together with WindowsAuthentication

Is there any good way of combining ASP.NET Windows Authentication with a custom IPrincipal/IIdentity object? I need to store the user's email address and have done so for Forms Authentication using a custom IIdentity/IPrincipal pair that I added to the Context.CurrentUser during the AuthenticateRequest event.

How would I best go by to accomplish this using WindowsAuthentication?

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PHeiberg Avatar asked Mar 12 '09 21:03


2 Answers

Maybe you could create your "ExtendedWindowsPrincipal" as a derived class based on WindowsPrincipal, and just add your extra data to the derived class?

That way, your ExtendedWindowsPrincipal would still be recognized anywhere where a WindowsPricinpal is needed.

OR: since you're talking about using Windows Authentication, you're probably in a Windows network - is there an Active Directory or a user database somewhere, where you could look up your e-mail address that you're interested in instead of storing it in the principal?


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marc_s Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09


I ended up refactoring my initial solution into replacing the Principal instead of the Identity as I originally thought. Replacing the Identity proved troublesome, since i ran into security problems when creating an instance of a new extended WindowsPrincipal.

public class ExtendedWindowsPrincipal : WindowsPrincipal
    private readonly string _email;

    public ExtendedWindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity ntIdentity, 
       string email) : base(ntIdentity)
            _email = email;

    public string Email
        get { return _email; }

In my Authentication module i replaced the principal on the HttpContext like this:

var currentUser = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
HttpContext.Current.User = 
    new ExtendedWindowsPrincipal(currentUser, userEmail);
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PHeiberg Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
