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Custom $index name in ngRepeat

I have a code written in JADE that uses two ngRepeat directives, like this:

    tr(ng-repeat="item in items track by $index")
       td: .dropdown
           button.btn.btn-default(data-toggle="dropdown") Choose One
               li(ng-repeat="option in item.options")
                  // I need this $index's value comes from the first ng-repeat above
                  a(ng-click="changeOption(item, option, $index)") 

Tag <a> have a ng-click directive that calls changeOption(item, option, $index)

The problem is that I need $index from the FIRST ng-repeat directive in changeOption() function instead of the second one. Can I change $index to another name or assign it to another variable so that I can access it in the second iteration?

Thank you

like image 447
DennyHiu Avatar asked Dec 31 '15 04:12


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1 Answers

No need to use ng-init, use ng-repeat's expression support for key/value access. While you're still using an array, they key will be the actual index.

docs - https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngRepeat

tr(ng-repeat="(t1, category) in vc.listData track by $index"
   td: .dropdown
       button.btn.btn-default(data-toggle="dropdown") Choose One
           li(ng-repeat="(t2, option) in item.options")
              a(ng-click="changeOption(item, option, t1)") 
like image 110
jusopi Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10
