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Custom function not recognized

I created anew function in sheets from within a sheet. The function is not recognized:

  1. From within the sheet tools > script editor
  2. function DOUBLE(input) {
      return input * 2;
  3. save

  4. Go into the sheet, enter a cell and type =double(10)

  5. Error "unknown function 'double'"

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Doug Fir Avatar asked Aug 18 '15 16:08

Doug Fir

People also ask

Why a custom function is not working in Excel?

As for the custom ones, Excel cannot validate the VBA code and identify other cells that could also affect the result of the custom function. Therefore, your custom formula may not change when you make changes to the workbook. To fix the issue, you'll just need to use the Application. Volatile statement.

How do you call a custom function?

Calling custom functions To call a function, use @functionName or @functionName(); in the configuration options of the event handler. In the following example, your custom function is added to the On click event handler of a button.

1 Answers

Clearing my cookies seemed to do the trick. Not sure if that qualifies as an answer but if anyone else comes across this post I hope that helps.

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Doug Fir Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Doug Fir