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Custom form control property using form builder


People also ask

Can we give FormControlName to div?

<div> is a readonly element, usually there's no point in binding form controls to it. You can also create your own custom components (or directives) that can be bound to form controls—if they implement ControlValueAccessor interface.

Can I use form control without form?

Technically, we don't even need a <form> element for that. The cool thing about form controls in Angular is, that we can listen reactively for changes that are happening to that control. Every form controls exposes an Observable propery valuesChanges() that we can subscribe to.

What is form control properties?

Forms. Control. These include properties such as Font, ForeColor, BackColor, Bounds, ClientRectangle, DisplayRectangle, Enabled, Focused, Height, Width, Visible, AutoSize, and many others. For details about inherited properties, see System.

Is there a way to add a custom property called filterMode using the form builder in Angular? I'm creating a search form, but want to be able to tie a filter type to it like startsWith, contains, equal, etc. I'd like to have access to this value for each form control when I get the FormGroup controls object.

For example:

public queryForm: FormGroup;

    private fb: FormBuilder,
  ) {
    this.queryForm = this.fb.group({
      username: [value: '', filterMode:'contains'],
      email: [value: '', filterMode:'contains'],

Is there a way to extend FormGroup in Angular?