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Custom font in Pixi.js

I try to load a custom font into Pixi.js (2D WebGL framework).

They have an example using .woff google fonts:


I converted my .ttf to .woff and added in css:

    font-family: "HU_Adrien";
    src: local('HU_Adrien'), url('HU_A0046.woff') format('woff');;

    font-family: "HU_Adrien";
    color: white;

It shows in my div but not in my Pixi stage.

    // create a text object with a nice stroke
    var spinningText = new PIXI.Text("I'm fun!", {font: "160px HU_Adrien", fill: "#cc00ff", align: "center", stroke: "#FFFFFF", strokeThickness: 6});
    // setting the anchor point to 0.5 will center align the text... great for spinning!
    spinningText.anchor.x = spinningText.anchor.y = 0.5;
    spinningText.position.x = 620 / 2;
    spinningText.position.y = 400 / 2;
like image 973
user1930254 Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 10:09


1 Answers

You need to convert HU_A0046.woff with this tool to HU_A0046.XML and add the file name to the preload list. Then you should call PIXI.Bitmaptext


var loader = new PIXI.AssetLoader(/*more media...*/, ["HU_A0046.xml"]); 
var spinningText = new PIXI.BitmapText("I'm fun!", { font: "35px FontName"}); //You can see the font name within the XML
spinningText.position.x = 620 / 2;
spinningText.position.y = 400 / 2;
like image 65
Walter Chapilliquen - wZVanG Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10

Walter Chapilliquen - wZVanG