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Custom Android pin code entry widget




I am trying to create a custom pin code widget for android as an alternative to just using an EditText with a password inputType attribute. What I'd like to display is a row of boxes, and have each box be filled as the user types his pin.

Someone else did something like this but it turned out to be a fixed number of EditText views and there was a lot of ugly code for swapping focus as characters were typed or deleted. This is NOT the approach I want to take; rather, I'm designing mine to have customizable length (easy) and behave as a single focusable view (not so easy).

My concept thus far is some kind of hybrid between a LinearLayout (to hold the "boxes") and an EditText (to store the user's input).

This is the code so far...

public class PinCodeView extends LinearLayout {
    protected static final int MAX_PIN_LENGTH = 10;
    protected static final int MIN_PIN_LENGTH = 1;

    protected int pinLength;
    protected EditText mText;

    public PinCodeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.PinCodeView);
        try {
            pinLength = a.getInt(R.styleable.PinCodeView_pinLength, 0);
        } finally {

        pinLength = Math.min(pinLength, MAX_PIN_LENGTH);
        pinLength = Math.max(pinLength, MIN_PIN_LENGTH);


        Log.d(TAG, "PinCodeView initialized with pinLength = " + pinLength);

    private void setupViews() {
        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(
        for (int i = 0; i < pinLength; i++) {
            // inflate an ImageView and add it
            View child = inflater.inflate(R.layout.pin_box, null, false);

    public CharSequence getText() {
        // TODO return pin code text instead
        return null;

    public int length() {
        // TODO return length of typed pin instead
        return pinLength;

    public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
        return true;

    public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
        // TODO return an InputConnection
        return null;

About those overrides: onCheckIsTextEditor() should return true and onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) should return a new InputConnection object to interact with an InputMethod (a keyboard), but that's all I know.

Does anyone know if I'm on the right track? Has anyone done work with InputConnection before or made their own editable views able to give guidance?

(Edit 1) After looking at this some more, it seems I should subclass BaseInputConnection and supply a TextView or EditText as its target:

    public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
        if (!onCheckIsTextEditor()) {
            return null;
        return new BaseInputConnection(mText, true);

Assuming this does store the text as it is typed, I still need some way to update the views to reflect the content change...

(Edit 2) So I added this custom view to a screen for testing. It shows the number of boxes, and the whole view is focusable, but the keyboard never pops up. I know it gains/loses focus because the boxes show highlighting appropriately and I set an OnFocusChangedListener to write to logcat.

What makes an actual keyboard appear when an editable view takes focus?

like image 710
Karakuri Avatar asked May 10 '12 06:05


3 Answers

It seems like you might be trying to create an iOS like pin entry view/widget.

Here is a good sample code you may find useful. However, it is fix length, but still maybe useful to some people.



like image 126
ChinLoong Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


I know this has already been answered but since its implementation is not shared i found a similar open source library. It looks good and for all those who wandering can give it try


like image 2
Gaurav Sarma Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Gaurav Sarma

Looks ok to me. Something you might want to do is when a user types a character into one EditText box, find a reference to the next EditText box and do a requestFocus() on it. This will move the text entry onto the next box. Very simple.

like image 1
James Cross Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

James Cross