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CursorAdapter backed ListView delete animation "flickers" on delete


I'm trying to implement swipe to delete and in a ListView using the SwipeToDismissUndoList library which extends Roman Nurik's SwipeToDismiss sample.

My issue is in the delete animation. Since the ListView is backed by a CursorAdapter, the animation triggers the onDismiss callback in onAnimationEnd but this means that the animation has run and reset itself before the CursorAdapter updates with the delete.

This ends up looking like a flicker to the user where they delete a note by swiping it away, then the view is back for a split second and then disappears because the CursorAdapter has picked up the data change.

Here is my OnDismissCallback:

private SwipeDismissList.OnDismissCallback dismissCallback = 
        new SwipeDismissList.OnDismissCallback() {
    public SwipeDismissList.Undoable onDismiss(ListView listView, final int position) {
        Cursor c = mAdapter.getCursor();
        final int id = c.getInt(Query._ID);
        final Item item = Item.findById(getActivity(), id);
        if (Log.LOGV) Log.v("Deleting item: " + item);

        final ContentResolver cr = getActivity().getContentResolver();
        cr.delete(Items.buildItemUri(id), null, null);

        return new SwipeDismissList.Undoable() {
            public void undo() {
                if (Log.LOGV) Log.v("Restoring Item: " + item);
                ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
                cv.put(Items._ID, item.getId());
                cv.put(Items.ITEM_CONTENT, item.getContent());
                cr.insert(Items.CONTENT_URI, cv);