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Current status of Meteor for offline application



There are some threads on SO that cover this - but most of them are 12 months old. I want to understand if Meteor (and available packages) is currently capable of handling:

  • An App that runs both online (when there is network connectivity) and offline (when there is not).
  • Allows changes made while offline to be persisted to the server when online (and the reverse).
  • Allows the data that is persisted to be stored encrypted on the device and only decrypted when used.
  • Allows some attribute of the user (application password, or possibly a token generated by the server for each logon) to be used as part of the decryption key. (intent is that if the device is stolen and the screen lock bypassed the data is still "reasonably" safe).
  • On both IOS and Android, rooted and not.
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user2195559 Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 16:10


1 Answers

Quoting my own reply on Reddit:

when you export let's say an apk from Meteor, this is a self contained app? this app connects o a server? does it work offline by default?

Yes, theoretically they will work offline. They do work offline now, but they cannot get new data from the server or execute remote procedures on the server w/o a connection (makes sense, right?). If you want a fully offline app, you can try to use one of the community packages for the offline data support: https://atmospherejs.com/ground/db

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imslavko Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
