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Currency xml feeds with lots of currencys [closed]




I am seeking an XML feed with currency data. It should be free and updated daily. I have Googled all day for this with no success. If somebody knows of one, please share info.

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Woland Avatar asked May 26 '09 12:05


People also ask

Where can I check exchange rates?

OANDA's Currency Converter allows you to check the latest foreign exchange average bid/ask rates and convert all major world currencies. OANDA Rates™ are foreign exchange rates compiled from leading market data contributors.

What time does the currency exchange rate change?

Currencies are traded around the clock – 24 hours per day. Even though trading hours vary – the morning in Tokyo occurs during U.S. nighttime – trade and banking continue around the world. Therefore, as banks around the world buy and sell currencies, the value of currencies remain in fluctuation.

Where are exchange rates published?

The BIS publishes three sets of statistics on foreign exchange markets: US dollar exchange rates, effective exchange rate indices, and spot and derivatives trading.

Does the euro exchange rate change daily?

The reference rates are usually updated around 16:00 CET on every working day, except on TARGET closing days. They are based on a regular daily concertation procedure between central banks across Europe, which normally takes place at 14:15 CET.

1 Answers

The European Central Bank (ECB) has the most reliable free feed that I know of. It contains approx 28 currencies and is updated at least daily.


For more formats and tools see the ECB reference page: http://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/index.en.html

Also, another feed I have found that contain more currencies: http://themoneyconverter.com/USD/rss.xml
More information at: http://themoneyconverter.com/RSSFeeds.aspx

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Ryan Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11
