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Curly braces surrounding variable




I have this piece of code that I'm trying to get my head around, I don't even know if its syntactically correct (part of the exercise I guess!)


What do the curly braces signify? I've seen the same case but with a @ operator used instead of the $ if that makes a difference.

Thanks guys!

like image 966
andrew Patterson Avatar asked Feb 16 '13 14:02

andrew Patterson

1 Answers

The “Using References” section of the perlref documentation explains.

2. Anywhere you’d put an identifier (or chain of identifiers) as part of a variable or subroutine name, you can replace the identifier with a BLOCK returning a reference of the correct type. In other words, the previous examples could be written like this:

   $bar = ${$scalarref};
   push(@{$arrayref}, $filename);
   ${$arrayref}[0] = "January";
   ${$hashref}{"KEY"} = "VALUE";
   $globref->print("output\n"); # iff IO::Handle is loaded

In your case, $records must be a reference to a hash (because of the outermost %), {$records} is a block that returns the reference, and %{$records} gives the original hash.

The curly braces surround a bona fide block. In fact, you could replace the code above with

%{ if ($records) { $records } else { $default_records } }

But even the shorter version from your question could be simplified, as pointed out earlier in the documentation.

1. Anywhere you’d put an identifier (or chain of identifiers) as part of a variable or subroutine name, you can replace the identifier with a simple scalar variable containing a reference of the correct type:

   $bar = $$scalarref;
   push(@$arrayref, $filename);
   $$arrayref[0] = "January";
   $$hashref{"KEY"} = "VALUE";
   print $globref "output\n";

Because $records is a simple scalar, %$records is the underlying hash.

If instead $records were a reference to an array, the syntax for dereferencing it would be @$records or @{$records}.

like image 106
Greg Bacon Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Greg Bacon