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CUPS send multiple jobs to IPP printer

Is there a way to let CUPS just queue jobs to an IPP printer while it haven't yet completed the last job?

Background: We have a XEROX WorkCentre printer which has its own job queue. Every time someone wants to print they have to spool the job, insert their payment card into the printer and select their job on the printers touchpad. But when using CUPS on a central server, CUPS only spools the next job when the last one completed, so that only the one who spooled first can see and pay for their job.

We need to use IPP as when using e.g. JetDirect the username isn't transmitted and the users can'T identify their jobs.

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cg909 Avatar asked Nov 26 '14 18:11


People also ask

What printing protocol does cups use?

By default, CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) to send jobs from a client to a server. When printing to legacy print servers you may also use the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol when printing to older UNIX-based servers or Server Message Block (SMB) when printing to Windows ® servers.

How do I know if my printer supports IPP?

If your printer supports IPP, the CUPS ipptool command can be used to find out the supported IPP version and the supported URIs.

What port does the printer use for IPP?

where ip-address is the Internet Protocol address of the printer you want to use and port is the TCP/IP port which that printer uses for IPP. IPP uses TCP with port 631 as its well-known port. You need to identify the printer-uri-supported attribute values in the command output to check if the ipps URI is supported.

How to interrogate the printer for IPP attributes using ipptool?

The format for the ipptool command used for interrogating the printer for the IPP attributes follows: where ip-address is the Internet Protocol address of the printer you want to use and port is the TCP/IP port which that printer uses for IPP. IPP uses TCP with port 631 as its well-known port.

1 Answers

You might try using the waitjob=false and/or waitprinter=false CUPS options:


The options are described at http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-2.0/network.html#IPP, although I'm not sure what the difference between waitjob and waitprinter is.

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patrikf Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
