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Cumulating value of current row + sum of previous rows

How would you do to transform a Column in a table from this:

ColumnA   ColumnB
2           a
3           b
4           c
5           d
1           a

to this:

ColumnA          ColumnB
3                 a
6(=3+3)           b   
10(=4+3+3)        c   
15(=5+4+3+3)      d 

I'm interested to see esp. what method you would pick.

like image 282
Sam Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 07:10


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How can I sum all previous row values in SQL?

In the above query, We first aggregate all values in the same group, then in the final select just applied a window function on the previous result. Show activity on this post. Grouping ColumnB with SUM aggregation of ColumnA. And then applying window function to ColumnA to generate cumulative sum.

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2 Answers

Like this:

;WITH cte
   SELECT ColumnB, SUM(ColumnA) asum 
   FROM @t 
   gROUP BY ColumnB

), cteRanked AS
   SELECT asum, ColumnB, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ColumnB) rownum
   FROM cte
SELECT (SELECT SUM(asum) FROM cteRanked c2 WHERE c2.rownum <= c1.rownum),
FROM cteRanked c1;

This should give you:

ColumnA    ColumnB
3             a
6             b
10            c
15            d

Here is a live demo

like image 175
Mahmoud Gamal Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Mahmoud Gamal

I'd generally avoid trying to do so, but the following matches what you've asked for:

declare @T table (ColumnA int,ColumnB char(1))
insert into @T(ColumnA,ColumnB) values
(2    ,       'a'),
(3   ,        'b'),
(4  ,         'c'),
(5 ,          'd'),
(1,           'a')

;With Bs as (
    select distinct ColumnB from @T
    Bs b
        inner join
    @T t
            b.ColumnB >= t.ColumnB
group by


----------- -------
3           a
6           b
10          c
15          d

For small data sets, this will be fine. But for larger data sets, note that the last row of the table relies on obtaining the SUM over the entire contents of the original table.

like image 9
Damien_The_Unbeliever Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
