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CUDA how to get grid, block, thread size and parallalize non square matrix calculation


I am new to CUDA and need help understanding some things. I need help parallelizing these two for loops. Specifically how to setup the dimBlock and dimGrid to make this run faster. I know this looks like the vector add example in the sdk but that example is only for square matrices and when I try to modify that code for my 128 x 1024 matrix it doesn't work properly.

__global__ void mAdd(float* A, float* B, float* C) {     for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++)     {         for(int j = 0; j < 1024; j++)         {             C[i * 1024 + j] = A[i * 1024 + j] + B[i * 1024 + j];         }     } } 

This code is part of a larger loop and is the simplest portion of the code, so I decided to try to paralleize thia and learn CUDA at same time. I have read the guides but still do not understand how to get the proper no. of grids/block/threads going and use them effectively.

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user656210 Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 00:04


People also ask

How do you calculate threads per block in CUDA?

Each CUDA card has a maximum number of threads in a block (512, 1024, or 2048). Each thread also has a thread id: threadId = x + y Dx + z Dx Dy The threadId is like 1D representation of an array in memory. If you are working with 1D vectors, then Dy and Dz could be zero. Then threadIdx is x, and threadId is x.

What is grid block and thread in CUDA?

A group of threads is called a CUDA block. CUDA blocks are grouped into a grid. A kernel is executed as a grid of blocks of threads (Figure 2). Each CUDA block is executed by one streaming multiprocessor (SM) and cannot be migrated to other SMs in GPU (except during preemption, debugging, or CUDA dynamic parallelism).

What is grid size in CUDA?

Blocks can be organized into one, two or three-dimensional grids of up to 231-1, 65,535 and 65,535 blocks in the x, y and z dimensions respectively. Unlike the maximum threads per block, there is not a blocks per grid limit distinct from the maximum grid dimensions.

What is blockDim in CUDA?

numba.cuda.blockDim. The shape of the block of threads, as declared when instantiating the kernel. This value is the same for all threads in a given kernel, even if they belong to different blocks (i.e. each block is “full”). numba.cuda.blockIdx.

1 Answers

As you have written it, that kernel is completely serial. Every thread launched to execute it is going to performing the same work.

The main idea behind CUDA (and OpenCL and other similar "single program, multiple data" type programming models) is that you take a "data parallel" operation - so one where the same, largely independent, operation must be performed many times - and write a kernel which performs that operation. A large number of (semi)autonomous threads are then launched to perform that operation across the input data set.

In your array addition example, the data parallel operation is

C[k] = A[k] + B[k]; 

for all k between 0 and 128 * 1024. Each addition operation is completely independent and has no ordering requirements, and therefore can be performed by a different thread. To express this in CUDA, one might write the kernel like this:

__global__ void mAdd(float* A, float* B, float* C, int n) {     int k = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;      if (k < n)         C[k] = A[k] + B[k]; } 

[disclaimer: code written in browser, not tested, use at own risk]

Here, the inner and outer loop from the serial code are replaced by one CUDA thread per operation, and I have added a limit check in the code so that in cases where more threads are launched than required operations, no buffer overflow can occur. If the kernel is then launched like this:

const int n = 128 * 1024; int blocksize = 512; // value usually chosen by tuning and hardware constraints int nblocks = n / blocksize; // value determine by block size and total work  madd<<<nblocks,blocksize>>>mAdd(A,B,C,n); 

Then 256 blocks, each containing 512 threads will be launched onto the GPU hardware to perform the array addition operation in parallel. Note that if the input data size was not expressible as a nice round multiple of the block size, the number of blocks would need to be rounded up to cover the full input data set.

All of the above is a hugely simplified overview of the CUDA paradigm for a very trivial operation, but perhaps it gives enough insight for you to continue yourself. CUDA is rather mature these days and there is a lot of good, free educational material floating around the web you can probably use to further illuminate many of the aspects of the programming model I have glossed over in this answer.

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talonmies Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
