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CUDA External calls not supported



I am developing a CUDA 4.0 application running on a Fermi card. According to the specs, Fermi has Compute Capability 2.0 and therefore should support non-inlined function calls.

I compile every class I have with nvcc 4.0 in a distinct obj file. Then, I link them all with g++-4.4.

Consider the following code :

[File A.cuh]

#include <cuda_runtime.h>

struct A
    __device__ __host__ void functionA();

[File B.cuh]

#include <cuda_runtime.h>

struct B
    __device__ __host__ void functionB();

[File A.cu]

#include "A.cuh"
#include "B.cuh"

void A::functionA()
    B b;

Attempting to compile A.cu with nvcc -o A.o -c A.cu -arch=sm_20 outputs Error: External calls are not supported (found non-inlined call to _ZN1B9functionBEv).

I must be doing something wrong, but what ?

like image 837
user703016 Avatar asked Feb 02 '23 18:02


2 Answers

As explained on this thread on the NVidia forums, it appears that even though Fermi supports non-inlined functions, nvcc still needs to have all the functions available during compilation, i.e. in the same source file: there is no linker (yep, that's a pity...).

like image 191
Luc Touraille Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 07:02

Luc Touraille

functionB is not declared and therefore considered external call. As the error said external calls are not supported. Implement functionB and it will work.

like image 36
Dani Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 08:02
