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cube portfolio with bootstrap template plugin not working

I am using cubeportfolio.js as part of a bootstrap template. It seems to be working but the custom .js part of the template is causing an error in the console.

The template I am using can be seen here, which is working without errors.

The error is 'Uncaught Error: cubeportfolio is already initialized. Destroy it before initialize again!'

For confidentiality reasons I can't post all the code but I have called the jquery.cubeportfolio.min.js at the bottom of the with the custom .js underneath.

Here is the custom .js

(function($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';

var gridContainer = $('#grid-container'),
    filtersContainer = $('#filters-container'),
    wrap, filtersCallback;

    init cubeportfolio
    layoutMode: 'grid',
    rewindNav: true,
    scrollByPage: false,
    defaultFilter: '*',
    animationType: 'slideLeft',
    gapHorizontal: 0,
    gapVertical: 0,
    gridAdjustment: 'responsive',
    mediaQueries: [{
        width: 800,
        cols: 3
    }, {
        width: 500,
        cols: 2
    }, {
        width: 320,
        cols: 1
    caption: 'zoom',
    displayType: 'lazyLoading',
    displayTypeSpeed: 100

    add listener for filters
if (filtersContainer.hasClass('cbp-l-filters-dropdown')) {
    wrap = filtersContainer.find('.cbp-l-filters-dropdownWrap');

        'mouseover.cbp': function() {
        'mouseleave.cbp': function() {

    filtersCallback = function(me) {
} else {
    filtersCallback = function(me) {

filtersContainer.on('click.cbp', '.cbp-filter-item', function() {
    var me = $(this);

    if (me.hasClass('cbp-filter-item-active')) {

    // get cubeportfolio data and check if is still animating (reposition) the items.
    if (!$.data(gridContainer[0], 'cubeportfolio').isAnimating) {
        filtersCallback.call(null, me);

    // filter the items
    gridContainer.cubeportfolio('filter', me.data('filter'), function() {});

    activate counter for filters
gridContainer.cubeportfolio('showCounter', filtersContainer.find('.cbp-filter-item'), function() {
    // read from url and change filter active
    var match = /#cbpf=(.*?)([#|?&]|$)/gi.exec(location.href),
    if (match !== null) {
        item = filtersContainer.find('.cbp-filter-item').filter('[data-filter="' + match[1] + '"]');
        if (item.length) {
            filtersCallback.call(null, item);

})(jQuery, window, document);
like image 229
user2953989 Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 07:10


1 Answers

You have to destroy it before init:


    init cubeportfolio
    layoutMode: 'grid',
    rewindNav: true,
    scrollByPage: false,
    defaultFilter: '*',
    animationType: 'slideLeft',
    gapHorizontal: 0,
    gapVertical: 0,
    gridAdjustment: 'responsive',
    mediaQueries: [{
        width: 800,
        cols: 3
    }, {
        width: 500,
        cols: 2
    }, {
        width: 320,
        cols: 1
    caption: 'zoom',
    displayType: 'lazyLoading',
    displayTypeSpeed: 100

It is initialized somewhere else and therefore it throws an error because it doesn't know with which cubeportfolio() instance has to deal.

like image 89
SrAxi Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11
