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CTRL+C / CTRL+V don't work in Eclipse

It's a very weird behavior. My Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts are not being called in my Juno Eclipse. I know it is somewhat broad... But I'm really lost. I'm using Ubuntu 12. Can it be a OS configuration issue?

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Marcelo Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 13:07


People also ask

How do I fix Ctrl C and Ctrl V not working?

When Ctrl V or Ctrl V not working, the first and easiest method is to perform a restart of your computer. It has been proven by lots of users to be helpful. To restart your computer, you can click on the Windows menu on the screen and then click on the Power icon and select Restart from the context menu.

Why Eclipse shortcuts are not working?

Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys. Then, click Restore Defaults button at the bottom, and restart Eclipse.

How do I enable shortcut Keys in Eclipse?

To see the current key configuration and its keyboard shortcuts, choose the Eclipse > Preferences menu command to open the Eclipse workbench Preferences. Select the General > Editor > Keys page. This page displays the currently active Scheme (key configuration) and the keyboard shortcuts it defines.

2 Answers

I've searched a little bit here and I found an interesting issue: my Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V command is being called, but in WRONG file! I gonna explain: I'm programming two different projects, in which both have files with same name. When I open both, and try write on them, Eclipse becomes confused and calls command only in one of they. I have unsuccessfully pasted from clipboard in one, and time later I've found the pasted commands in the other file! Very weird issue. Now I wonder that it can be a workspace bug from Eclipse.

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Marcelo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


On my Eclipse, only CTRL+C did not work all the time, especially when Eclipse was running for long time. Then CTRL+V just pasted previously copied text.

What worked for me is to unbind CTRL+C in Eclipse Preferences (General -> Keys). Then the issue never showed up again.

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Xsasan Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
