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Ctrl + Dot (ShowSmartTag) not working in Visual Studio 2012

I'm now using the Visual Studio 2012, and now the keyboard shortcut for "ShowSmartTag", Ctrl + ., is not working. I googled a bit found someone said that CodeRush's Quick Nav shortcut is the same, so I disabled that command in CodeRush, but still I can not fix this. I also tried to disable all those suspicious extensions, but still no success. Any idea?

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imgen Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 09:11


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1 Answers

All keyboard shortcuts can be viewed from Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard. What does your View.ShowSmartTag command say about current shortcuts?

Keyboard Options

If you try to assign CTRL + . to anything, it will tell you if the shortcut is used by something else...

like image 61
khellang Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
