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CTE Recursion to get tree hierarchy

I need to get an ordered hierarchy of a tree, in a specific way. The table in question looks a bit like this (all ID fields are uniqueidentifiers, I've simplified the data for sake of example):

EstimateItemID    EstimateID    ParentEstimateItemID     ItemType --------------    ----------    --------------------     --------        1              A                NULL              product        2              A                  1               product        3              A                  2               service        4              A                NULL              product        5              A                  4               product        6              A                  5               service        7              A                  1               service        8              A                  4               product

Graphical view of the tree structure (* denotes 'service'):

            A        ___/ \___       /         \     1            4    / \          / \   2   7*       5   8  /            / 3*           6* 

Using this query, I can get the hierarchy (just pretend 'A' is a uniqueidentifier, I know it isn't in real life):

DECLARE @EstimateID uniqueidentifier SELECT @EstimateID = 'A'  ;WITH temp as(     SELECT * FROM EstimateItem     WHERE EstimateID = @EstimateID      UNION ALL      SELECT ei.* FROM EstimateItem ei     INNER JOIN temp x ON ei.ParentEstimateItemID = x.EstimateItemID )  SELECT * FROM temp 

This gives me the children of EstimateID 'A', but in the order that it appears in the table. ie:

EstimateItemID --------------       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8

Unfortunately, what I need is an ordered hierarchy with a result set that follows the following constraints:

 1. each branch must be grouped 2. records with ItemType 'product' and parent are the top node  3. records with ItemType 'product' and non-NULL parent grouped after top node  4. records with ItemType 'service' are bottom node of a branch 

So, the order that I need the results, in this example, is:

EstimateItemID --------------       1       2       3       7       4       5       8       6 

What do I need to add to my query to accomplish this?

like image 589
Woods8460 Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 15:08


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1 Answers

Try this:

;WITH items AS (     SELECT EstimateItemID, ItemType     , 0 AS Level     , CAST(EstimateItemID AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Path     FROM EstimateItem      WHERE ParentEstimateItemID IS NULL AND EstimateID = @EstimateID      UNION ALL      SELECT i.EstimateItemID, i.ItemType     , Level + 1     , CAST(Path + '.' + CAST(i.EstimateItemID AS VARCHAR(255)) AS VARCHAR(255))     FROM EstimateItem i     INNER JOIN items itms ON itms.EstimateItemID = i.ParentEstimateItemID )  SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY Path 

With Path - rows a sorted by parents nodes

If you want sort childnodes by ItemType for each level, than you can play with Level and SUBSTRING of Pathcolumn....

Here SQLFiddle with sample of data

like image 161
Fabio Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
