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CTE inside SQL IF-ELSE structure

I want to do something like this

declare @a int=1
if (@a=1)
with cte as 
select UserEmail from UserTable 
with cte as
select UserID from UserTable
select * from cte

This is just the example, my actual query is far more complex. So I don't want to write the SELECT statement inside IF and ELSE statement twice after the CTE.

like image 527
Manvinder Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 06:06


2 Answers

If possible, find a way to avoid the if statement entirely.

E.g. in such a trivial example as in your question:

;with CTE as (
      select UserEmail from UserTable where @a = 1
      union all
      select UserID from UserTable where @a != 1 or @a is null
select /* single select statement here */

It should generally be possible to compose one or more distinct queries into a final UNION ALL cte, instead of using if - after all, both of the queries being combined must have compatible result sets anyway, for your original question to make sense.

like image 186
Damien_The_Unbeliever Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10


You can't do that - the CTE must immediately be followed by exactly one SQL statement that can refer to it. You cannot split the "definition" of the CTE from the statement that uses it.

So you need to do it this way:

declare @a int=1

if (@a=1)
    with cte as 
       select UserEmail from UserTable 
    select * from cte


    with cte as
       select UserID from UserTable
    select * from cte

You cannot split the CTE "definition" for its usage (select * from cte)

like image 39
marc_s Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
