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CsvReader Next function




i am given a csv file but i want to skip the first row of data and move on to the next. Here is my code:

def read_csv(inputfile):
    return list(csv.reader(inputfile)) #<-----

def generate_xml(reader,outfile):
    root = Element('Solution')
    tree = ElementTree(root)        
    head = SubElement(root, 'DrillHoles')
    description = SubElement(head,'description')
    current_group = None
    i = 1
    for row in reader.next(): #<-----
        x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,cost = row
        if current_group is None or i != current_group.text:
            current_group = SubElement(description, 'hole',{'hole_id':"%s"%i})

            collar = SubElement(current_group,'collar')
            toe = SubElement(current_group,'toe')
            cost1 = SubElement(current_group,'cost')
            collar.text = ','.join((x1,y1,z1))
            toe.text = ','.join((x2,y2,z2))
            cost1.text = cost
    head.set('total_holes', '%s'%i)

As you can see, i return the csv file as a list then i pass it onto the generate_xml function. However when i run the complete program there is an

error: 'list' object has no attribute 'next'
like image 963
Andy Avatar asked Jul 07 '13 15:07


People also ask

What does next () in CSV do?

next() will obtain the next value as it iterates through the file. In the below code the for loop is calling . next() on the iterator each time and allocating the result of next to the variable row.

Do you need to close CSVReader?

The reader itself doesn't manage any resources that would need to be cleaned up when you're done using it, so there's no need to close it; it'd be a meaningless operation.

When you read CSV file using CSV reader () function it returns the values in object?

Example 1: Read CSV files with csv. reader() is used to read the file, which returns an iterable reader object. The reader object is then iterated using a for loop to print the contents of each row.

2 Answers

For python 2.x, the code is:

data = []
with open('xxx.csv') as f:
    r = csv.reader(f)
    name = r.next()[1] # assume the first 2 rows are name and unit
    unit = r.next()
    for row in r:

For python 3.x, use next(r) instead of r.next()

like image 187
Yuchao Jiang Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Yuchao Jiang

You have a list, not an iterator. Just slice it instead:

for row in reader[1:]:

or skip that first row when you still have an actual csv.reader() object:

def read_csv(inputfile):
    reader = csv.reader(inputfile)
    return list(reader)

You'd be better off returning the reader object instead of reading all rows into memory there; unless you absolutely need random access to the rows.

You also should really use the next() function instead as it works for Python 2.6+ and 3, where the iterator .next() method has been renamed to .__next__().

You'd otherwise never use for row in reader.next(), because .next() on a csv.reader() iterator returns one row.

like image 30
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Martijn Pieters