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CString to LPCTSTR conversion

I have a CString variable that i a need to convert to LPCTSTR(const char*) .I need this conversion so that i can use it as an argument in a function .

The CString look like :

CString sqlTemp = _T("INSERT INTO "+ sw1 +" (filename, "+ sw2 +") VALUE ("+ sw7 +","+ sw3 +" ) ");

It contains an query. The prototype of the function is :

int WriteBlob(LPCTSTR szSqlStat, LPCTSTR szFilePath)

So could you show me an exemple of how to convert to LPCTSTR ? It may be trivial but i am a c++ beginner and i still get a hang of it.

Thanks .

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Ionut Daniel Avatar asked Sep 27 '12 11:09

Ionut Daniel

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1 Answers

One method of conversion is like this:

CString str;

str = "Hello";

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Ionut Hulub Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Ionut Hulub