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CSS tranform:translateY from JavaScript


How would I access and change transform: translateY(0px); using the style object from JavaScript, in a similar matter to div.style.background = 50px.

I'm trying to make it so a header on my webpage disappears as the user scrolls down but div.style.tranform or div.style.translate doesn't seem to work.

like image 384
Jim Jones Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 16:12

Jim Jones

People also ask

How do I use translateX CSS?

The CSS translateX() function is used to move elements in a two-dimensional space along the x -axis (horizontally). It moves the position of the element on the horizontal plane by the amount provided by t .

What does translateX mean in CSS?

The translateX() CSS function repositions an element horizontally on the 2D plane. Its result is a <transform-function> data type.

1 Answers

You can pass any transform property as a string.


It can be done like this;

div.style.transform = "translate(x,y)" 

I find out that if I write

div.style.transform = "translate(someValue)" 

It only affects x axes.

"translate-y(someValue)" or "translate-x(someValue)" 

did not work out.

Or you can use rotate property;

div.style.transform = "rotate(50px)". 

Try it!


like image 55
endertunc Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
