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CSS - Sprites as background images



I have a web application whose performance I am working to enhance. In an attempt to do this, I decided to use css sprites. I have placed all of my images in a .png file called images.png.

CSS sprites have worked well for all css classes that just display an image once. However, several of my images need to be repeated. For instance, I have a banner.png image used for the banner background. Whenever I set the background-repeat property, it seems that the image does not repeat. To show my CSS definitions, here they are:

Before CSS Sprites
.ghwc {
  background-image: url(/images/layout/banner.png);

After CSS Sprites
.ghwc {
  background-image: url(/images/images.png);
  background-position:60px 319px; 

My question is, how do I use CSS sprites for repeated images like backgrounds?

Thank you,

like image 287
user208662 Avatar asked May 18 '10 20:05


People also ask

What are CSS sprites used for?

CSS Sprites are a collection of images that are combined into a single file that an HTML document can access. These images are then called into use within the HTML code to be displayed on the website.

Should I use image sprites?

A web page with many images can take a long time to load and generates multiple server requests. Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth.

How do I use an image as a sprite tag?

You create a defined area with a <a> with display:block; or <div> and use overflow hidden; to hide overflow and position:relative; . Then you place your <img> image sprite inside absolutely positioned, which is possible since you positioned the parent. Then use :hover on the image to change position.

1 Answers

My question is, how do I use CSS sprites for repeated images like backgrounds?

You don't. That is simply not possible using CSS sprites. To do that, you would have to be able to specify an area of the image that is to be repeated, and to my knowledge that is impossible in both CSS 2 and 3.

like image 172
Pekka Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10
