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CSS selectors for excluding by attribute presence

The document I am parsing has the following two styles of td tags (among other instances of td tags):

<td align="right" nowrap bgcolor="#A1C87A">...</td>

<td align="right" nowrap>...</td>

How do I write a selector which only selects the second type, and exclude all the other td tags?


excludes the first type, includes the second type plus all other td tags as well.


excludes all other td tags, but includes both types above.

like image 912
Prakash Murthy Avatar asked Jan 01 '15 19:01

Prakash Murthy

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1 Answers

You can simply combine the :not selector with the other attribute selectors:


You could even put the :not after the others (it doesn’t need to be right next to the element name):


These will both select all td elements that have bgcolor="#A1C87A" and nowrap but don’t have align="right", which is what you’re after.

like image 88
matt Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 01:10
